C-88CRT CERT Whistle
CERT High Performance Whistle.[cc_product sku=”c-88crt” display=”inline” quantity=”true” price=”true”]
DetailsCERT High Performance Whistle.[cc_product sku=”c-88crt” display=”inline” quantity=”true” price=”true”]
DetailsThis plastic whistle includes the lanyard. A great attention getter! Durable and lightweight. Convenient heavy duty nylon lanyard. Ideal for emergencies. Tip: Use three sharp bursts to indicate a call for help. Use two bursts to answer a call.[cc_product sku=”c-88p” display=”inline” quantity=”true” price=”true”]
DetailsThis metal whistle includes a lanyard. A great attention-getting communication device. Compact and affordable.
Tip: Use three sharp bursts to indicate a call for help. Use two bursts to answer a call.[cc_product sku=”c-88q” display=”inline” quantity=”true” price=”true”]
This survival tool is perfect for camping, hiking or traveling in general.[cc_product sku=”c-89cch” display=”inline” quantity=”true” price=”true”]
DetailsWhistle, Compass, Flint, Mirror, Waterproof Container.[cc_product sku=”c-89s” display=”inline” quantity=”true” price=”true”]
DetailsEach roll is 3” x 1000′. Command Post (Blue) only.
[cc_product sku=”c-ics1″ display=”inline” quantity=”true” price=”true”]
Each roll is 3″ x 1000′. C/ICS2 Public Information Area (White) only .
[cc_product sku=”c-ics2″ display=”inline” quantity=”true” price=”true”]
Each roll is 3″ x 1000′. C/ICS3 Staging Area (Green) only.
[cc_product sku=”c-ics3″ display=”inline” quantity=”true” price=”true”]
CERT Baseball Hat is a great way to identify all team members.[cc_product sku=”crt-hat” display=”inline” quantity=”true” price=”true”]
DetailsThe perfect addition to any CERT kit. The bracelet turns into 8 feet of heavy duty Paracord. When you need it – you really need it![cc_product sku=”crt-paracord” display=”inline” quantity=”true” price=”true”]